Sub-Saharan Africa Consortium for Advanced Biostatistics training

SSACAB is a collaboration between 16 Southern and 4 Northern institutions. The partners in SSACAB recognise the importance of biostatistics in developing a strong biomedical research culture, and the need for better training in biostatistics. Each of them will have different roles, which are complementary to meeting the goals of this consortium. The Southern academic institutions with support from Northern partners will develop and implement masters’ level courses in biostatistics, and supervise PhD students to develop biostatistical capacity. The research institutions will provide research questions of practical relevance, data and student cosupervision to complement the academic institutions.

SSCAB is led by Professor Tobias Chirwa at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.


wits University of Witwatersrand, South Africa


lshtm London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

uni_warwick University of Warwick

uni_kwazula_natal University of KwaZulu-Natal

kemri KEMRI-Wellcome Trust

Northern collaborators:

utrecht University Medical Center Utrecht

uni_oxford University of Oxford

Southern collaborators:

stellenbosch Stellenbosch University

kcmuco Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College

uni_malawi University of Malawi

makerere Makerere University

uni_ghana University of Ghana

uni_nairobi University of Nairobi

uni_zambia University of Zambia

uni_kinshasa University of Kinshasa

uni_namibia University of Namibia

Southern collaborators – national and international research institutes:

mrc_sa South African Medical Research Council

indepth INDEPTH Network Accra

hsrc Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa

caprisa Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa

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